Keynote Speakers

Silvia Lacorte IDAEA-CSIC, Spain Title: Birds as biomonitors of environmental pollution

Prof. Silvia Lacorte is full researcher at the Department of Environmental Chemistry in IDAEA-CSIC (Barcelona, Spain). She leads an interdisciplinary research group in the field of analytical and environmental sciences. Her main research interest is to evaluate the presence and impact of organic contaminants (including microplastics) in the environment (water, soil, sediment, biota) and find solutions to mitigate the overwhelming problem of chemical pollution. Special focus is given to the protection of wildlife and natural resources.

Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro
University of Porto, Portugal
Title: Are we aware of the role of enantioselectivity in the environment?

Ana Rita Lado Ribeiro is principal researcher at LSRE-LCM (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, FEUP), where she is responsible for the research topic “Analytical Tools for Environmental Monitoring”. Her research interests include, among others: (i) analytical LC-MS/MS and GC-MS methods (achiral and chiral) for analysis of emerging contaminants; (ii) the removal of emerging contaminants (organic pollutants, antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes) in water/wastewater by biological treatments and advanced oxidation technologies; (iii) the study of metabolites and reaction by-products; and (iv) risk assessment.

Gerhard Lammel
Max Planck Institute, Germany
Title: Polycyclic aromatic compounds – atmospheric fate and environmental exposure

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lammel is a full professor of Environmental Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, and a Senior Scientist and research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany. In his research he has been focusing on atmospheric and aerosol chemistry through field and laboratory experimental studies and multicompartmental chemistry through modelling and field studies.

Manuel Miró Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain.
Title: Physiologically-based extraction assays of plasticizers from microplastics: Is the ˈTrojan-horseˈ effect hype or reality?

Manuel Miró is Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the University of the Balearic Islands, Spain and Principal Investigator of the group “Flow Injection and Trace Analysis (FI-TRACE)”. His main research interest focuses on the development of miniaturized and automatic analytical platforms for the determination of emerging contaminants in environmental matrices. In the field of human and environmental exposomics, he has developed novel flow-through dynamic methods for the evaluation of the oral bioaccessibility of microplastic additives.

Lourdes Ramos
Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry Department, CSIC-IQOG, Spain
Title: Suspect and non-target screening of persistent organic pollutants in environmental samples by two-dimensional gas chromatography−time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Lourdes Ramos is a Senior Scientific Researcher of the Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC, IQOG, Madrid, Spain). Her main research interests include the development of novel miniaturised sample preparation approaches for the fast and green determination of trace organic pollutants in environmental and food samples, and the evaluation of hyphenated gas chromatography-based techniques, in particular those based multidimensional and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry, for the target, suspect and non-target analysis of organic contaminants in complex mixtures.

José Juan Santana Rodríguez Institute for Environmental Studies and Natural Resources, and Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
: Organic UV filters as indicators of antropogenic micropollution in insular ecosystems

Prof. Dr. José Juan Santana Rodríguez is Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Director of Research Institute for Environmental Studies and Natural Resources (i-UNAT) at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). His main research is focused on the optimization, development and application of new analytical methodologies for the determination of organic contaminants in the environment and on the monitoring and control of organic contaminants (including emerging contaminants and microplastics) in terrestrial and marine ecosystems.


Francisco Javier Vilaplana
Royal Institute of Technology (KHT), Sweden.
Title: Biochemicall strategies for valorisation of agrifood side streams for a circular primary sector.

Francisco Vilaplana is Full Professor and Head of the Division of Glycoscience at KTH. He leads a research group on plant biochemistry and biotechnology for sustainable development, focused on the structural understanding of biomass molecular components and their valorisation into bio-based products for biomaterial and nutritional applications using green chemistry and enzyme technology. He is founding Director of KTH FOOD – a multidisciplinary research centre for a sustainable food system.